Spikeball är ett fantastiskt kul spel som funkar lika bra på gräs, sand som på hallgolv. Du spelar 2 mot 2, handen är ditt "vapen" och reglerna påminner om beachvolleyboll. I allfall i fråga om antalet beröringar.
Innhåller: Ett komplett system med ställning, nät och bollar.
Made in: Kina
Här kan du se en kort infovideo som visar hur man spelar Spikeball,
klicka här:- Rebuilt for more rallies - Beefier frame, grippier balls, more intuitive installation.
- Easy to learn - After 10 minutes you’ll have some amazing rallies and MONSTER spikes.
- Play anywhere - All you need is 4 people and some open space. Play on grass, sand, in the basement, you name it.
- Easy to transport - When disassembled the entire game fits into a lightweight carrying bag. Easy to take to the beach, campground, friend's house, any place good for playing.
- Technically, yes, it is exercise - Your significant other/mom/life coach can breathe a sigh of relief. Roundnet is a great form of exercise and is used by many athletes for cross-training.
- All you need to play is included - The Standard Kit comes with the Spikeball set, two balls, netting, rule book, and a carrying bag for easy transport!